Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sweet Words Every Woman Would Love to Hear- Be Absolutely Sensational and Blow Her Over

Nothing in this world can match the power of words. Words can make or destroy whatever bid thing you have. In relationships, words are the key weapons that work best for a man. You can play around with the feelings of a woman simply by using the most appropriate words. Words that build. Sweet words every woman would love to hear. Blow her mind by saying the right words at the right time. A woman is a tender and vulnerable being with a lot of self consciousness. Sometimes or actually many times she does not feel surefooted. She needs reassurances now and then. It makes her feel good by stroking her the right way with good words off course. You will make her feel absolutely sensational and ensure that she does not leave your fold.
You look youthful, gorgeous, vibrant and so full of energy, vigor and vitality. They are the echoes of sweet words every woman would love to hear. Though this might not be her true picture considering the tell tale signs of aging, they will blow her over. No woman wants to be told that she has lost her radiance of youth. She does not want to be told that their is a streak of grey hair that is slowly colonizing her head. She has now lost that spring and memories of her younger days. But in every woman their is that young girl inside her that needs to to spoil and played with. The girl is just crazy about attention and craves for it sometimes. Bring the young girl out of the woman and play with her. You will be amazed at how close she will be with you. You will have vanquished the last pockets of resistance in her heart if their existed any.
I can never get enough of you. Even after you have won the heart of a woman and she is now your partner, it is not the end of it all. The buck does not stop there. She needs to be reassured every time and all the time. Sweet words every woman would love to hear. She is your woman and she wants to know and feel that what attracted you to her has not fizzled out. She wants to be reassured that the fire is still burning in the relationship. She wants to know that the spark that made you fall madly in love is still there and has not died out. By sweetly telling her you can hardly get enough of her, it assures her that she is still attractive to you. It puts to rest her fears that your affection towards her might be fizzling out. She wants to know that she still holds the same position she held when you fell head over heels in love with her.
Sweet words work wonders with women. Sweet words every woman would love to hear. Tell her she is sexy, one of a kind. You will not realize how such words sound like good music to her ears. It improves her personality by boosting her confidence and self esteem. It puts so much pleasure in her heart to know that she has a sexual appeal that does not pass unnoticed. Tell her you adore her. It is so sensational you will always have her tucked under your arm.
Francis K. Githinji Is A Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Sweet Words [] Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Sweet Words [].
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Sweet Things to Say to Your Girlfriend - Words to Make Her Fall Madly in Love With You

The usual sweet things to say to your girlfriend just don't have that oomph anymore.
Nowadays, the simple "I love you" is not enough to show how much you really care for the person you love. These are already mere words that are continuously abused by so many.
Guys can be quite good at sweet talk, but the typical sweet things to say to your girlfriend would result in more "successes" if they come with some embellishment (and sincerity, of course).
On the other hand, girls are quite reserved when talking about the likes of "I love you." For most, "I love you" are sacred words that are only meant to be uttered to the person who really deserve them.
This is quite a challenge for men. You need to think of new things or new words to say that would make the women fall madly, deeply in love with you. But you need not spend much just to make the woman of your interest notice you.
Below are some sweet things to say to your girlfriend that might come in handy. They might sound a little old hat; but why not give it a try? You have nothing to lose, anyway.
1) "You look really beautiful."
Try to appreciate your girlfriend's appearance. Women really love it when they are being praised by their boyfriends. They do a lot of things to make themselves attractive to their man. Unfortunately, some men disregard this effort made by women.
2) "You are my life. Losing you would mean the end of me."
This shows that she's the most important person in your life and losing her would mean losing everything.
Women like to know how important she is in your life than football and your friends. This is probably one of the strongest in the list of sweet things to say to your girlfriend.
3) "You are my answered prayer."
It's always nice to know that someone has been longing and praying for you. Girls like to hear that you included prayers and God in your words.
This shows that you are serious with her because you are already putting God as your witness. And if you don't really mean it, it would be just blasphemous of you to do so.
4) "I would rather be the one hurt than you."
This is certainly one of the nicest things to say to anyone. You must show to her that you are willing to give up anything and everything, even carry the burden just to ease her pain. This is quite heroic; but it actually works!
These are just some of the sweet things to say to your girlfriend and touch her heart even deeper. Think about them and see when and where you can apply them to your relationship. These would definitely help keep the fire burning between you and your girlfriend.
You may be surprised to know that even though women tend to be more sophisticated these days, simplicity is still the key to making her happy. You have to learn how to listen and respond by saying the right sweet things to say to your girlfriend. Some of the most common lines that will work for several years include "You look beautiful", "Thank you" and "I care".
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Sweet Words Every Woman Would Love to Hear- Be Absolutely Sensational and Blow her Over

Do you know that the biggest key to success with women is saying what they want to hear from you? You see women want a guy who knows what they want and keeps their needs fulfilled. One of the major reasons why several guys out there always end up being rejected no matter how hard they try is due to the fact that they don't know what women want to hear and always end up delivering the exact opposite of what women expect. Read on to discover some of the sweetest words women love to hear.
You're cute- Who doesn't like compliments and when a guy makes such compliments women simply love it. Women like to be appreciated and love to be told that they look good therefore make it a point to use this line but make sure you don't over do it as she would be very quick to pick up on whether you really mean it or not.
I am sorry- Now how many times do guys actually say this to women? Not often right? Well this is probably the best way to keep any and every woman amused around you. You see guys never admit to their mistake and always find a reason or an excuse to escape the responsibility. Learn to admit to your mistakes and say sorry once in a while. You would see a tremendous change in the attitude of females around you.
Thank you- Well not too many guys are thankful for what women do in our society. You see one fact most guys tend to overlook is that they are in this world due to a woman and it is extremely important to respect women in that sense. Women would not demand too much if you know when to say thank you. You see they just want to know that someone does care and their efforts aren't being wasted.
What you don't know yet- Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman's mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what they say? They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Do you know there are some secrets women don't want men to know but men absolutely must know these secrets in order to succeed with women? Read on to discover some of the most "Shocking Secrets" women don't want men to know- 9 Most Shocking Secrets Women don't want men to know
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