Friday, April 25, 2014

Services Offered By Veterans Helping Veterans

By Eloise Hewitt

Every month thousands of men and women return home from the combat zones in Iraq and Afghanistan. When they arrive many find that they have a difficult time adjusting to non-combat life in their home towns and cities. Not everyone can understand what they are experiencing or how they are feeling about their new status as civilians. Organizations have begun to appear that help with these problems by using a veterans helping veterans philosophy.

Working with the military system in an attempt to get benefits can be difficult if you are not familiar with the benefits available or how to access them successfully. The organizations that are most helpful for returning troops are those that involve volunteers who have also been in combat. Many volunteers are themselves disabled or have suffered with PTSD and know how difficult it is to live with. They also know that there is no short term solution to PTSD.

Some services offered by these establishments include drop in locations where homeless vets can get a bath, new clothing, meals and camaraderie from others in their situation. They are also able to access assistance to find housing, legal assistance and information on how to apply for benefits available to them. Other benefits may include job assistance or medical assistance.

Some of the agencies supply referrals for clients. The paperwork needed may be accessed at these sites and they are able to assist the client with properly filling it out. If necessary some of the agencies can transport a client to the proper department to ensure the papers get filed.

Many of these agencies refer to themselves as one stop resource centers. They have volunteers that are well versed in every aspect of available aid for the veteran and his or her family. They will help file disability claims and assist with the follow up paperwork necessary as well as help provide aid and assistive domiciliary care for an individual.

Nearly all returning troops are eligible for tuition allowing them to attend college and there are vocational programs available to them as well. Volunteers at veteran agencies can help them access these benefits easily. They are also able to help access pensions and disability claims. All of these benefits help returning soldiers continue being productive members of society.

There are support groups that are facilitated by therapists provided by many centers. They have scheduled meetings that are open to everyone associated with the returning veteran. They also help deal with addiction issues and family issues that may arise for the participants of the programs. One on one support is also available for those in jail or a homeless day center. The people involved in the one on one services are not professionals but rather volunteers who can listen and sometimes offer another approach to the solutions needed.

The number of troops who return home only to end up homeless is horrific. These men and women have served with honor and deserve the very best we can offer in return. Having the agencies who offer these services to them at no cost is no small step towards that end. Giving access to referral services, personal contact with peers and assistance obtaining benefits they are eligible for makes the effort worthwhile.

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