Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Discovering The NAACP And NAACP Washington PA

By Jeffrey Murphy

There is a rather dark history in America when it comes to the African American community. Whereas, there are also some good things which came to pass, beginning with the creation of the National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People in 1901. For, it was at that time in which a group of people came together to create a bi-racial association now known as the NAACP, an association which now host central headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland and branches around the United States including, NAACP washington pa.

The overall mission of the association is to assure that all people, regardless of race, have the same rights when it comes to political, educational, social, economic and racial equality. While it is hoped that by focusing on the these issues, racism will be eliminated and equality will take place, it does not appear that will be the case anytime soon. Still, the association hopes that at some point in the future, racial in-equality will be eliminated and replaced with love for all people.

After an expansion in the 20th century, the association now also assists individuals when it comes to police misconduct, immigration and economic development. By including the term, colored people in the name of the association, the organization is continuing a long tradition while also being more inclusive of all those with African American ancestry or heritage. Considering that the founding members started with what was called a bi-racial endeavor, it is only fitting that this is the case.

Six departments exist under the umbrella of the National association. These include, criminal justice, economic opportunity, education, environmental and climate justice, federal advocacy and health. Each of these departments host professionals which can assist individuals with regards to a specific issue. Whether African American or bi-racial, the association can provide services in relation to these and other areas.

The association has not forgotten about the African American youth of the country. For example, the NAACP provides an Olympic style competition in Afro-academics, culture, technology and science known as ACT-SO. ACT-SO is a yearlong program designed to encourage, stimulate and motivate high school cultural and academic achievement among African American high school students. For, the NAACP truly believes that these children are the future.

ACT-SO includes thirty two divisions in science, technology, engineering, math, the humanities, business, performing arts, visual arts and culinary arts. To date, over three-hundred thousand youth have participated in the program since its inception. The purpose of ACT-SO continues to be to prepare, recognize and reward people of African descent who display academic and artistic excellence.

The association also gives out two awards on an annual basis, these include a Spingarn Medal which is awarded for outstanding achievement in any area and an achievement in arts and entertainment award. All African Americans are eligible to compete for these awards when having met the requirements to submit an application.

The current focus of the association is on several attacks in the South, such as church burnings and racial rhetoric coming from different areas of the United States government. The association recognizes that fixing these issues will not be easy. For, the strong presence of White Supremacy which has taken place since the 2016 election has taken the African American community back in time when it comes to civil rights.

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