Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Youth Of Islam And Halal Dating Rules

By Rebecca Ross

Dating is something that precedes race, religion and even nationality in almost every part of the world and now people are just dating out of love without any limitations involved. Among the Muslim community, courting is not a common of an act as there are certain religious beliefs that will not be of the biggest support to the activity but Halal Dating is slowly changing this.

Muslims live just fine and engage in arranged marriages organized by the parents but in the recent past this is slowly changing, and courting is becoming more common. However, it is accompanied by a set of rules to be followed while engaging in the activity. These rules are not set to keep one from fully living but to keep their religious beliefs and their datings lives in harmony.

The first rule one has to follow when courting is to learn the virtue of self-control in full understanding and adhere by it. This is so as to have the ability to control your personal felling hence not letting them get in the way with God. When one does this then you prove your respect to God, your future partner and also you respect your own body by not giving in to earthly wants.

It is the right to do the right Taaruf which is an activity similar to seeing in Islam one only engages in this after they have considered a number of options like are their income stable enough to support a marriage, do they have enough knowledge to help with maintaining and keeping a marriage and the last question is if there is anyone special someone to fulfil your life and if you should tell them.

You also have to look into the fact whether or not you have found your partner. If you have then this is the right time to declare your true feelings to them and in this stage, a mahroum must preside over the sitting and it should never be done without his presence. If you have not yet found a partner does not shy away from asking for help to find your partner from those who you trust.

Remember that when declaring your feelings to your partner it is mandatory for a mahroum to be present and even close relatives can be present. Understand the type of courting to go by with as from that moment henceforth as per by the Taaruf. This stage provides the perfect opportunity to get to know your partner and you also have the chance to dissolve the relationship if it displeases you.

These courting rules are very advantageous to you as a person and as a devout Muslim as they help you to keep your purity. Whenever self-control becomes hard then one is advised to fast and pray to Allah and this strengthens your relationship with God and helps you to keep your faith. This also distances you from the immoral desires of the flesh.

Some will conflict the activity and dispute with its beliefs but it is still a practice that deserves a lot of respect regardless. For those not ready for marriage, halal courting helps them to get closer to God and establishes a much better relationship.

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