Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Best Tips On How To Stop Procrastination

By Kyle Stevens

Procrastinating is a very common problem in our society today. It seems to be more of a problem especially in the workplace. There are many factors that play a part in procrastination and why humans do it.

What is Procrastination? People procrastinate when they put off activities that could and, in many cases should, be done now. Procrastinators defer the activities until a later time. The term does not apply to people who have two equally important things to do and must pick one to do first. Rather, it applies to people that have tasks or activities with clear priorities and put off the most important task or activity needlessly for the purpose of delaying it.

So what exactly is procrastination? Procrastination is when a person literally avoids doing a task that they know they should be doing. It could be any task, from making a simple phone call to someone, or losing weight, to more important issues such as finishing a duty in the workplace that may cause you to lose your job if it isn't completed.Procrastination is a bad habit that usually has bad end results from doing it. If this sounds familiar, then it may be time for you to learn to stop procrastinating.

It is Important to Stop Procrastination Inwardly, a person often feels stress, guilt or anxiety when he or she procrastinates. Outwardly, the person may be viewed as lazy, unproductive or disorganized.

While it might be normal for a person to procrastinate once in awhile, it becomes a problem when it starts to interfere with a person's life. It is the type of behavior that can cause a person to lose his or her job and severely impact a person's life.

Treatment is Necessary It is extremely difficult to change a pattern of procrastination without help. However, it is often the procrastinators who put off seeking help to stop the problem. Some procrastinators may delay seeking treatment because they do not want to examine the reasons why they procrastinate.

Another common reason why we procrastinate is out of anger. If someone is forced into doing something that they do not want to do, they rebel by avoiding the issue. This is so common during the teen years. The task is usually poorly done, if done at all.

NLP and hypnotherapy do not focus on why you procrastinate but rather on how your thoughts keep you from accomplishing that which needs to be done. Together, NLP and hypnotherapy, work to focus your mind on what needs to be accomplished and helps to motivate you to accomplish those tasks. The goal of NLP and hypnotherapy is to cause you to make changes in the ways that you think and react rather than focusing on the underlying cause. For many people, this is a comfortable and effective way to stop procrastination problems and to start accomplishing personal and professional goals.

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