Sunday, May 18, 2014

Can I Get Girls In Japan If I Can't Speak Japanese?

By Kaku Nanashi

Japanese communication skill is not absolutely vital to score yourself a Japanese girl. I am acquainted with more than a few lotharios in Tokyo who can scarcely decipher the menu at a Japanese restaurant, but take home women with astonishing frequency. Anyone would be startled at precisely how far a couple of phrases in addition to a ton of gestures and grabby-handing can go.

But bear in mind, don't think that you can be lazy with your language game. Conversing in Japanese is undoubtedly and tremendously beneficial given that it exponentially increases the amount of chicks you can talk to. English education here is godawful. Moreover, the majority of Japanese girls can barely respond to "How are you?" without getting nervous. If you do not speak Japanese, you are precluding yourself from a very large slice of the beautiful girls in Japan. I imagine this is true for any country, however, it is without a doubt most visible in Asian nations that have low percentages of competent English speakers.

Japanese-English speaking proficiency will give you the opportunity to game pretty much any girl you see in Japan, native or non. And since most foreigners here can't speak much Japanese, you will differentiate yourself from the pack of come-and-go English teachers and foreign exchange students who didn't bother to pick up a copy of "Japanese for Busy People". In the world of dating, even and especially in conformist societies like Japan, standing out from the crowd in a positive way is always beneficial.

If you're interested in keeping girls who don't speak much English around for longer than a few nights, you'll need to be able to converse with them in Japanese. Speaking a foreign language is mentally tiring, and Japanese girls typically don't have the greatest cognitive endurance. Even if you're just looking for something temporary, speaking Japanese will let girls at least entertain the idea that you could have long term potential.

For those of you who still aren't motivated to learn Japanese, consider the following. If you don't speak Japanese, you will need to find girls who speak English. These girls congregate in certain foreigner-heavy areas (e.g., Roppongi) and tend to be a bit...wilder than their non-English speaking counterparts. They are also in high demand because most foreigners don't speak much Japanese. A scarce resource in high demand means fierce competition.

A word of caution for the Japanophiles: Japanese girls will not get dirty with you just because you can read Shonen Jump. A out of shape, poorly dressed fella is unnoticeable to girls no matter how many obscure prefectural dialects he can ape. I ought to know, that used to be me.

In closing, you don't need to understand Japanese in order to get girls in Japan, but being able to will make the progression much simpler. If you intend on being in Japan for longer than several weeks, you should consider hitting your local language center.

Don't forget, "Can you help me read this?" is a fantastic opening line.

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