Friday, November 22, 2013

Your Emotions When Getting Your Girlfriend Back

By Erick Hastings

When something or someone is important in your life, it's difficult to be patient. With your ex girlfriend, being patient is nearly impossible. You are filled with worry and fear. You worry that another guy is going to get her attention. You worry that she might forget that you still love her. You worry that her friends or family are going to completely turn her against you. You are fearful that you will never get back together with her and that she is gone for good. Your relationship is important to you and you fear the loss of that love that you might never feel from her again.

It's natural to be a little anxious about getting your girlfriend back. It's natural to get upset, nervous, suspicious and jealous. It's natural to doubt that she'll ever give you that second chance but the fact is that these emotions can cause us to do drastic things that can kill our chances of winning back the woman that we love. Our impatient nature can cause us to do stupid things that actually make matters worse rather than better.

For instance, you have probably thought long and hard about this. You want to make things right again between you and your girlfriend so you do what comes naturally. That means that you try apologizing at first. You may even mean it. You promise to change. You promise to never do whatever it was that you think caused your breakup or you promise to always do whatever it was that you didn't do that caused your breakup.

When that doesn't work, you may have tried some variations of this technique. You tried being super nice to her or you bought her gifts. You may have even told her that you had bought these gifts before you broke up but you wanted her to have these things. You may have even begged or cried and pleaded with her to have mercy upon your soul and asked her to give you another chance. You told her that you loved her and that she was the most important person in your life.

As you probably already know, tactics such as these don't work. These are all methods that every guy tries after a breakup and they only make matters worse. Your instinct might be telling you that you're being original or clever but these are only the acts of a desperate man who is afraid of losing something very important in his life. You are coming from a place of fear and this fear will make you do things that you will regret later. You will remember these acts and shake your head in disbelief one day. Right now you need to relax, get your mind right and understand what will actually make her want to come back to you.

Women are a little bit different than men when it comes to emotions such as love. You need to understand that she has made a big decision. She has probably told all the people close to her that your relationship is over. In order for her to get back together with you she is going to have to feel some emotions powerful enough to overcome that decision. She will need to feel such passion that she doesn't care what her friends and family think. It's your job to understand her and what she needs to feel in order to love you that way again.

Understanding your girlfriend's emotions and basing your actions upon making her feel the emotions necessary for her to fall in love with you again is the route that you should take. While this might sound simple or easy, it's your emotional state that is getting in your way. You actually care too much at the moment. You are so fearful of losing her for good that you aren't being yourself. If you could step back and not care so much then you would realize that getting her back isn't really all that difficult. If you can, try not to care so much. Try not to worry so much and you will begin to understand your ex-girlfriend and how she is feeling about you right now.

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