Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What Do Women Look For In A Man

By Andrew Tatiana

What do women really look for in a guy? All of this depends upon who you ask. Ask a woman and she will tell you one thing but ask a guy and you'll get a different answer. Most guys will tell you that women like guys that are handsome or muscular or that girls like a guys who are rich who can spend money on them. The truth is often more confusing when a girl tells you that she is just looking for a nice guy. Who do you believe and what's the truth? How can you, as a single guy, know what single women are looking for in a guy so you can get in a relationship with a girl that you find attractive?

Most guys will tell you that women are attracted by money and guys that have a lot of money. They'll even show you social proof of this fact by telling you about rich guys that have their pick of women or women that do go after guys with money. As a result, many guys are led to believe that in order to date very attractive women you need to buy their affection. Many guys feel that all hope is lost unless they are rich so they settle for low hanging fruit or women that they know are already attracted to them or below their standards.

The truth is that there are women that chase guys with money. These women are gold diggers. This shouldn't come as a great surprise. Of course, this doesn't mean that all women are gold diggers. Most women will tell you that a guy who is wealthy is actually a turn off if he feels that he can buy her affection. The majority of women will reject a guy that comes on too strong or who is accustomed to dating gold diggers. So, money isn't necessary to date a beautiful woman and if you are wealthy, let that be a little secret that you reveal once you know that she's into you.

Then there are others that say that women are attracted to men who are handsome or muscular. The media provides proof of this by showing models and celebrities with other models or celebrities. You'll also often see girls that work out a lot with guys that work out a lot. It might seem that pretty people tend to be attracted to other pretty people and if you're ordinary looking you might feel like you don't have a chance with an attractive woman.

This thought or myth that beautiful women only date guys that are good looking or physically fit comes from how men think. Men are visual in nature and we judge women by how they look. Women aren't wired this way. Women look beyond physical appearance. Often models, actresses and people who work out a lot wind up with other models, actors and muscular guys because they spend a lot of time in the same places and in the same circles. These guys also have the confidence and time to create a connection with these women and you will be surprised to find that these beautiful women aren't as judgmental as you might think. Sure, you should be tidy looking and free from offensive odors but physical appearance isn't nearly as important to a woman as most guys think.

It surely must be how nice a guy is that most women find attractive, you must think. This is what most women will tell you when you ask them what they're looking for in a guy or what they find attractive in a man. If you are simply good enough to her and spend your time helping little old ladies across the street then you can surely make the most beautiful woman feel attracted to you, right? This is what women say they want in a man all the time so it must be true.

Sadly, most really nice guys wind up falling in the friend zone when they try being nice to a beautiful woman. A nice guy is so rare that they value him and being nice to her before it is earned or warranted doesn't stir passion in a woman's heart. This doesn't mean that you should try being a bad boy, which is another myth about what women want. Understand that there is a time for being nice and that is after there is rapport and attraction. You can still be nice without following her around like a puppy dog but that comes soon after she starts to show an interest in you. Only needy men go out of their way to be nice to a girl. It's similar to trying to buy her affections and it is repulsive to many women.

The truth about what women really do desire in a man might be a little shocking to you but here's the truth. Women look for a man that is genuine and true. They want a man that is dependable, strong and who instills a feeling of being protected when they are with him. They feel as if they are able to talk about anything with him including their fears and dreams. A woman wants a man that is emotionally strong and wise. They want a man that is secure enough in himself to be genuine when he's around her. It takes a real man to be himself and not play games when he has found the woman of his dreams. If you can pull that off without flinching then you have a chance at dating some of the most beautiful women in the world.

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