Saturday, April 11, 2015

Fashionably Evangelical Unique Christian Bibs

By Joanna Walsh

Christians are tasked with the critical job of spreading the news of salvation to those who have not heard it. In today's busy environment this can be a daunting task. With Christian bibs believers can spread the word without even speaking. This is why these bibs have become such popular fashion items among those who share this faith.

The effectiveness of a baby's bib as a message sharer cannot be ignored. People generally love babies and tend to gravitate towards them. The statements written on their cute little onesies ans shirts are bound to be noticed by those who drool over them daily.

Typically, the messages on these bibs will pertain to the fact that children are gifts from God. Scripture verses that speak of God's love for children are often used as textual decoration for these clothing items. Original messages based on those scriptures may also be used.

These messages may also be more serious, calling non-believers into acceptance of the faith and warning of the consequences of failure to convert. These messages are just as important in the eyes of members off the faith as the other salvation based messages. This is why they are not left out when the decision to evangelize the world through baby clothing is taken.

While Christians have a set of rules that they live by, many of which require a rejection of worldly pleasures, they are not averse to modern concepts such as fashion and humor. This is revealed in the many beautiful designs that are features of these baby clothing items. Funny statements and images, Biblical in nature of course, placed on the baby's bib, elicit humor and can do much when it comes to lightening the mood if the need arises. These statements serve as a gentler ways of sharing faith based principles with others.

A sense of humor is not a foreign concept to Christians and this is revealed in some of the statements and images that appear on the clothing worn by babies born into the faith. The cute humorous statements are often inscribed on them often illicit a chuckle or two from those who see them. A bib that has a funny Bible themed image or statement is a creative means of gently transmitting the message of salvation.

Many of these baby clothing are actually customized to become message boards for Christianity's important messages. Crafty mothers and fathers, after purchasing regular designs, make them unique by using methods such as embroidery or painting to display the messages. Those who present the items as gifts to parents also tend to customize them through this means. Additionally, many baby clothing producers actually create faith based items to suit the needs of Christian clients.

The task of spreading the good news of salvation is one that is assigned to all Christians. This is why members of the faith try so many innovative means of letting others become more aware of the gospel. Christian mothers and fathers are playing their role in telling others about Christ through the use of the clothing in which they dress their babies.

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