Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Early Divorce Warning Signs That People Miss

By Catherine Butler

It is not all marriages that end at death. A lot of people will get divorced at a certain point in life. Some are shocked on a morning when they are asked to sign the papers. Others will have prepared because they could see the divorce warning signs early. Without watching these signals, you will be left disoriented socially, financially and emotionally.

He or she will stop working hard to make you happy. Remember the days he would read your thoughts and turn them into actions? When you said you were tired you got a treat or some help without asking for it. This effort comes from burning love. If it disappears, you have a reason to worry. It means that what burned inside him or her is gone and there is no more regard for your emotions.

Drifting apart socially and emotionally is a sign of danger. It happens when you no longer go out together or worry about how your partner spent his day. You stop being as intimate as you used to. You no longer feel the urge or need to report where you are going or what you are going to do. This is a clear sign that things are about to go south.

Surprise, surprise! Complains about each other is a sign of love. Yes, it shows that you care about each other. There are behaviors you complain because you want the person to be better. In other cases, you are trying to avoid being embarrassed in front of friends and family. Since you care, you complain in the hope that he or she will change. When love flies off your nest, you will find someone to complain to and you will no longer care. Then you know that your hearts are drifting apart.

Has he or she been putting you down all the time? Your ideas no longer sound reasonable and will be rebutted swiftly? Has he lacked regard for your ambitions and is always pinning you down? You are surely headed for the rocks. It shows that his believe in you is none existent.

Fights are normal in a relationship, but there are issues to fight over and others that you should never engage about. Snacks and other small items you buy in the house become a waste of money. You will even fight over things that you used to do together in the past. It is time to re-imagine your relationship.

Is the number of excuses growing? He or she no longer finds time for you or activities you did together. You begin attending social gatherings alone and will not appear in public with you. Take care because you are headed for tough times.

A partner is always a priority in a relationship. When this changes, there is a likelihood that things are not working as expected. The minute work, meeting with friends or activities that do not involve the two of you take precedence, you are likely headed for a divorce and it is time to take action.

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