Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Great Lewisberry After School Care

By Megan Landry

There are many individuals who seek out a terrific Lewisberry after school care program. Unfortunately everyone has to work very late hours in order to have enough money and this is the time that children are left alone to take care of themselves. Luckily the Mount Zion Center within this town is always glad to look after youngsters who are in need of parental guidance. The staff at this center will also make sure that these tykes are truly loved.

This center will make sure that a person's child has the very best care and become involved in many activities that are offered. They will make sure that everyone is fed a very healthy snack within the afternoon and that each child takes a good nap. Arts and crafts, career day, drama class, group discussions, and story time will be included on the schedule.

The children will all learn how to paint and color wonderful pictures during an arts and crafts session. Each child will be instructed on how to make holiday decorations during the Christmas and Thanksgiving season. Instead of purchasing ornaments for a Christmas tree these young tykes will be making their own designs. The center will also place many of their art projects on display within the local mall.

Career speakers will also lend their support to this program since they will be making regular visits. All of these people will talk about the business world and how to achieve certain goals. There are many nurses, doctors, technicians, carpenters and professors who make weekly visits. After hearing from these dedicated professionals any child will become a better person.

During drama class all of these students will participate within a play that the educator has chosen. These plays will be quite simple to perform since many of the children are under twelve years of age. The teachers will make sure that each child studies his/her lines correctly before putting on a performance for their parents. This play workshop will also help them build confidence and overcome shyness.

Group discussions will help many youngsters inform others about what is going on within their lives. These are held in the later part of the afternoon and they will last for about forty five minutes. Sometimes it is easier for individuals to discuss their problems with strangers rather than family members. Certain fears can be overcome when these meetings happen.

There are many fantasies that can be told while these children are attending the sessions. The extremely competent instructor can make up very imaginative stories that will entertain and delight children of all ages. This is one reason that story time is a very essential part of the Mount Zion program. Sometimes the children will make up their own tales to scare the others during Halloween.

Lewisberry after school care makes sure that every child receives the attention that they rightfully deserve. The Mount Zion Center will always do their best when it comes to educating and nurturing students who need parenting after normal school hours are completed.

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