Monday, October 14, 2013

How To Help Children With Reading Disorders

By Catalina Nielsen

Every child needs to understand words to enable him/her cope with learning. If this is not possible, the affected individual will not only face challenges in learning, but in life as well. It is not easy to detect. In fact, some are only noticed once the child has begun schooling. There are two main reading disorders.

Dyslexia is a condition where the child has difficulty with reading, decoding words, comprehension and fluency. Causes vary between individuals but these are normally underlying neuropsychological deficits as well as co-occurring learning disabilities. However, it should not be taken to mean intellectual disability.

The other condition is Hyperlexia. This occurs in cases where the child has a higher learning ability than his/her age. Such children normally have above average IQs. Nevertheless, the affected child may face challenges when it comes to understanding speech, as they are normally autistic.

Researchers and doctors have tried several approaches to help children with learning disorders. There are many theories that have been developed, but none has provided a specific answer that can help all individuals. Nevertheless, several strategies, when used in combination, can significantly reduce the effects and improve learning.

Word games have been proven quite helpful. Engaging the child in puzzles can be fun, but at the same time, it helps them learn. It may be a game, but it improves their vocabulary and they also become familiar with new words as they master the ones they use more often. Some of the games you can try include crossword puzzles, word bingo, Scrabble, and Boggle.

Make reading aloud a habit. Encourage the child to read common things such as street signs, directions, and labels. This does not have to be at home or in the classroom; it can be done anywhere the opportunity presents itself including in the car or store. It will be easier for them to learn when they do it in turns.

Make the activity enjoyable. Engage the child in discussion regarding what is being read. When they see that others are enjoying the activity, they will also want to be involved. Make this a daily activity so that they can get used to some words.

Help the child learn. You can encourage the child to remember what they have read. Have them explain, apply, or discuss information they have read. Because they will be teaching you what they have learned, they will feel encouraged.

Make use of listening books. Make the child listen to textbooks, trade book, videos and other audiovisual materials. This will help them see what they are reading in diagrams and be to relate with real life. Screen readers and related assistive technologies can be quite helpful.

Read to the child every day before bed. This has been shown to develop the language of the learner. It is even more beneficial if the novel is above the level of intelligence of the learner.

Engage all the senses. This will ensure they can touch, see, hear, and speak the word. This is one of the best ways of addressing reading disorders.

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