Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Get Him Back In Your Arms Fast

By Sharon Upchurch

So you and your boyfriend have decided to call it quits. You moved out of his place and back in with your parents, and he is out partying every night with the boys. You are crying your eyes out watching lifetime and eating an entire carton of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream. You start to realize that being alone is far worse than your ex-boyfriends shortcomings. You realize that you really loved this guy. You love him, and now you want him back. Let me give you 3 Facebook Tricks that any girl can follow, that will get your man sprinting back to you like a lost puppy.

All ex boyfriends check their ex girlfriends Facebook page multiple times per day, this is a fact. They want to see what you're up to. If your status keeps saying "I'm sad", "I'm broken", etc, this will do nothing but send him back to the club.Get your girlfriends together or do this yourself. Make 5 fake Facebook profiles and make sure to set the privacy settings so your man can't see any info but the picture.

I don't doubt that right now you're asking yourself the question: "How do I get back control of a relationship that's over?"In reality it's not possible. However, what you can do this instant is take a little control away from your ex by getting his attention.After the breakup your boyfriend's going to see you in a certain light and it won't be good so you need to change that as soon as possible. His mind is going to be made up unless you change it for him. Luckily for you there are several ways to get your ex to notice you again and at the same time realize he made a mistake by breaking up with you.

If you are like most ex girlfriends than one of the reasons your man fell out of love with you is that you stopped doing the things that he thought were sexy about you. The shavings every other day, the tanning, the teeth whitening, the sexy lingerie, the "everything gone" waxing, the working out every day. Start doing these things again, and make sure he knows about it. Do everything you can to bring up these things.

These things are like magnets to men. It is like love potion. One sneaky trick you can do is take some sexy shots (not nude of course), and upload them to your Facebook. If you do not want your family to see them then make sure to set the privacy settings to "block" certain people from seeing the pictures. Also, make sure to update your status with "getting waxed, everything gone, I feel like a little girl", etc. After a few days of this, he is going to start messaging you again, wanting to meet up.

Show your ex boyfriend that you can live without him. Spend time with friends and start doing things you enjoy. You must show your ex that you are still the bubbly, happy and confident person they fell in love with.No one likes a desperate and needy ex and your ex boyfriend is no different. Everyone wants what they can't have so show your ex exactly what he is missing.

If you follow my 3 Facebook Tricks to get your ex boyfriend back, then after a week or two of doing this, your man will come back. He will come back because you have become the girl that he fell in love with. If you want to keep your man after you get him back, you are going to need to keep doing these things. The biggest mistake that you can make as a woman is to stop doing the things that your man loves about you. Keep it up, and you will keep him.

Finally, don't obsess over the break up. So your boyfriend broke up with you... it happens every day to women around the world. This doesn't give you a license to go around and throw a pity party for yourself. I suggest you go back and re-read the part about seeing the break up through your boyfriend's eyes. Crying, begging and chasing after him won't get it done. As you work to restore your confidence, your actions and your words will follow suit and your boyfriend WILL notice you.

Don't Settle For Being The Backup.There are certainly a lot of ways to get your ex boyfriend back. More than the length of this article will allow. But it doesn't include reducing yourself into a mere backup plan should he begin having difficulty finding a new girlfriend or at least a better replacement of you. What he should be feeling instead is the sorry loss associated with the fact that he no longer has you around. If you honestly believe that you've been relegated to "the woman I'll settle for but not my first preference" then perhaps you ought to give it all a big miss and find someone who will treat you as "number one". History is littered with lessons for those who played along as second fiddle.

Make Improvements For Your Own Sake, Not For Your Boyfriend's.There are many reasons why you should change for the better. While getting back with your ex boyfriend is a good motivation, it shouldn't be the be-all and the end-all of your efforts. Improve your traits and your personality because you wanted to be a better person, if not for your ex, then for somebody else and more importantly - for yourself.

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