Saturday, September 28, 2013

Learn The Main Activities That Memphis Youth Ministry Perform

By Marla Mills

Everywhere in the world, people are living with great expectancy of the second coming of Jesus Christ. For this reason, the Memphis youth ministry is playing important role in preparing the body of Christ for the big day. The awareness of the coming of Christ is what people of other nations are not conversant with. This is why the church is keen to make everybody aware of what they should do to get ready.

The church is doing this work through a series of activities and teachings. The first thing they uphold dearly is the knowledge of the word of God. They have come up with a good forum that gives everyone the opportunity to understand the bible and interpret it in the right way. It is the word they share with fellow people that bring transformation that people need in life. They are also engaging young people in theological studies that make them firm in the word of God.

You will hardly go for several weeks without hearing teaching about faith in their seminars. The leaders have the mandate to organize conferences and workshops that help their members live faithful lives. This is critical in enriching them with faith that God is above all they can ever know or imagine. With this form of faith, it is not easy to live in fear of anything.

Many churches today have disputed the importance of meeting daily in the homes of their members for encouragement. This is used to be the tool that earlier apostles used to make their believers strong and firm in Christ. However, this church is keen to hold on this element of meeting regularly in their homes and share the experiences of live. They do not have to wait for Sunday to gather.

In all that happens in the church, young people are always in the forefront. The elderly understand that young people are the greatest asset that any church could have in the current world. They give them the freedom to do their things in their modern styles as long as whatever they do is of the glory of God. The leaders also organize seminars for the young people to help them live lives of purity and integrity.

Intercessory is another areas that the pastors and church leaders emphasize on to all their members. This helps the members to uphold the primary function of prayer. Without prayer, it would be hard to escape the modern Christian challenges. The leaders organize overnight intercessory sessions where all members including young people learn to pray.

The leaders are devoted in ensuring that the members live in harmony and love. They do not allow the materials things to bring disunity among their members. It is also responsibility of the spiritual leaders to help people of the world to love one another with the love of God. They do all they can to help the needy and poor in the society.

The church also believes in the power of evangelism. For this reason, the church leaders encourage young believers to play major roles in organizing for outreach missions and evangelical trips to other states and nations. The Memphis youth ministry is also sensitive in helping young people live in harmony.

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