Tuesday, August 12, 2014

American Political Commentary Is A Tricky Field

By Tanisha Berg

Can anyone remember the time when terrorism wasn't a household word? No one should blame or be angry at the terrorists. The actual facts is that major Western governments and large media corporations have spent the last ten years in an attempt to try to shove the purported reality of "Islamic terrorism" down the people's throat. This is something good American political commentary providers will be quick to point out.

The second part of that is the deep belief that there is a chance to make sense of that process. Things happens for a reason in the political process. People are always trying to figure that out and it is endlessly fascinating. However, there is an uncivilized side to American politics.

There is a very reasonable explanation as to why the majority of the American citizens are being made angry. First off, no one likes to be lied to. Same goes for the entire human population, which is supposed to take the word of a handful of media, government and corporate crooks who say it is really so.

Maybe there were even worse situations before in American history, but back in those there weren't things such as Internet or the 24/7 news cycle, so people will never actually know. People in politics just don't get along each other. It is like a battlefield of interests, where everyone, for a different purpose or cause, leaves the real problems far behind at the line.

Liberty city is a neighborhood in Miami city, Florida and is as close to a black ghetto. Living quietly in a warehouse In Liberty city were seven intellectually-challenged young men who called themselves the "Sons of David" or the "Seeds of David", depending which one was asked. Describing themselves as Christian-Zionist-Muslim martial artist immigrants, which is no joke, they were quietly awaiting for a Biblical end times prophecy.

Big money has been a part of big politics for a very long time. Now, it seems, something very major has changed. The big money has flowed or is being harnessed by the political parties in a very organized way. It has come to falling outside of the party where it is now controlled by roving bands of operatives.

"Brother Mohammed" offered the Christian-Zionist-Muslim martial artist immigrants 50,000$ dollars. As it turned this, and only this, got the men's attention. Nevertheless, the FBI's agent "Brother Muhammed" had an agenda to make terrorists out of these young men, so probing deeper was the next most logical step.

Choosing the right time to act, to seize the moment, to make the public believe in what is being said is a must in this field. The more support one politician has, the more power they will get. There are thousands of ways to describe such things, but whether or not it is considered to be a dirty game, one thing is sure, the players in it are corrupted. The most intriguing way is that such folks need to act as representatives of the people and take decisions which will ring about prosperity.

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